
Posts in the Dinner category

Pot Roast

I made a pot roast tonight but did not take any pictures because I thought it was too ugly. I used this recipe with the flour pounded in. While it tasted just fine, the crust was kind of unappetizing and prevented the meat from getting a meat-crispy edge, which I guess I should have known ahead of time. Anyway, as I say about many things I cook (mostly cornbread), it was not as good as my memory of my dad’s.

(I used a lower cooking temperature than specified in the recipe, 275 degrees. I did this because slow-cooker pot roasts so frequently turn out overdone, and I wanted to be sure to avoid this. I can’t say I’m settled on cooking temperature or oven vs. slow cooker.)

Easy Meals

Earlier in the week, Mark was out late and wasn’t home for dinner. I was just going to make a box of macaroni and cheese (have I mentioned that dairy is no longer a problem for C? And that he loves it in all forms) and a can of beans or something, but then I decided to save the mac and cheese for a day when I’m really hard up. So I made this instead.

A tuna salad of sorts

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