
Posts in the Creative Leftovers category

Whenever we make rice I try to cook extra, for C’s lunch or snack or for a fried rice dinner. Tonight, it’s fried rice!

I am one of those people who really wants to cook with tofu but has had a hard time making something that I really want to eat. But that’s changed. Two things: first, I found this really amazing, delicious tofu, Tofu Yu from Berkeley. But even without this great tofu, the second thing: preparation method. I read a couple of things about making fried tofu and it’s made all the difference. I don’t follow all of the steps but it works anyway.

Cube or otherwise cut the tofu and let it rest on a towel, with another towel on top. No need to press. I left this tofu to drain for a couple of hours.

tofu on towel
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